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The Spirit of a Scotsman

Amanda Kincaidโ€™s heart collides with Jimmy Butlerโ€™s at first sight. But Jimmyโ€™s brother, Archie, has other ideas. Like snagging Amanda for himself.

When Amanda Kincaid is sent by her father to spy on rival distillery owner, Jimmy Butler, at the Kintyre Whisky Festival, the last thing she expects is to fall in love with the competition. 

Family complications on either side draw the besotted couple apart, but Amanda marrying Jimmyโ€™s troubled brother, Archie, means they are never quite out of each otherโ€™s lives. 

As the years turn Amandaโ€™s marriage increasingly sour, will Jimmy persuade her to follow her heart? Can Amanda find the courage to leave her husband for the man she should never have turned away from? Or will vengeful Archie have the last say in it all?

Dive into this prequel to the Butlerโ€™s whisky romance series and fall in love with the Butlers.

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The Butlersโ€™ Romance Series

The Butler family hail from the fictional village of Kinshore on the Kintyre Peninsula in Scotland, a place where surf rolls onto shortbread coloured sand and news flies around faster than the wind. The Butlers are Amanda and Jimmy Butler, and their seven children: Cal, Jamie, Niall, Sean, Nate, Cara and Eilidh. Jimmy and Amanda own and operate centuries old Butlers Distillery Limited, the most successful distillery in Scotland. Each story in the series follows one of the siblings, starting with Cal, then Jamie, etc.. They can be read as a standalone or part of the series. If you wish to read about Jimmy and Amandaโ€™s story then grab your free copy of Spirit of a Scotsman by signing up my newsletter using one of the forms on this page. I truly hope you enjoy reading about the Butlers as much as I enjoy writing their stories. I canโ€™t wait to bring you the next one.

  • A Cask of You (shortly to be renamed Surfing with a Scotsman)

    Cal Butler values complete privacy. Bea Gracie wants a Scotsman to immortalise in her next romance novel. They canโ€™t resist each other, but can Cal and Bea surf the wave of a short term fling with without feelings developing, secrets revealing themselves, and the besotted couple being whipped up and sucked under by a giant wave of trouble?

  • Snowed in with a Scotsman

    Jamie Butler retreats to a remote Scottish hotel to consider how to save the family business. Alicia Jansen, heads to the same place to escape Hollywood scandal and to paint. Attraction between the two is instant, but can they focus on their original goals or will the abundant snowfall and remote Scottish location mean Jamie and Alicia are propelled into an irresistible intimacy against their better wishes?

  • Reunited with my Scotsman

    Niall Butler and Carli Caselli were teenage sweethearts, until Niall broke Carli's heart. Reunited in Kinshore thirteen years later for a family occasion, Niall has the chance to redeem himself. But will revealing the reason that lost him Carli be enough to reconcile him with the love of his life, or has too much time passed with too much left unsaid?

Sign up to my newsletter and get a free prequel novel: The Spirit of a Scotsman.


Hello lovely reader. Welcome to my writing world.

I am a Scottish lady who lives in a wee flat in Edinburgh, Scotland, with a Scotsman and a Scotscat. I took to writing when chronic illness put paid to too much physical action โ€“ and I love it (writing, not chronic illness - chronic illness sucks). Romance writing is even better.

When not writing, I can be found thinking about writing, watching Eastenders (British soap where everyone is always shouting at each other), and going for walks whilst listening to my Spotify playlists and imagining dreamy scenes for my next novel.

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